User development,

A new message was posted in the thread "ScopedClassPoolRepositoryImpl and 
default ClassPool":

Author  : Flavia Rainone
Profile :

On a private talk with Kabir and Ales, we decided that the best thing to do for 
now is to copy those ScopedCP classes to a new module of jboss-classpool 
project and "fix" everything that is getting in the way with those.
As Kabir mentioned, those ScopedCP classes were created by us to be used inside 
AS. Now, they are outdated since they won't work in AS and we ended up needing 
ve a project only for that.

I'm calling that new module scoped-classpool. Once it is ready, we can decide 
whether it would be a good idea to use those changes as a patch for Javassist, 
or whether we wanna keep it the way it is.
I have only one observation to do regarding this. It will add a dependency from 
jboss-reflect towards scoped-classpool module. The way we are today, we have 
all references to the ScopedCP classes, and no reference at all to the 
subclasses in jboss-classpool project. Plus, we will also have to edit several 
references to ScopedCP's in JBoss AOP project as well.


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