User development,

A new message was posted in the thread "JBoss Tools 3.1 Final!":

Author  : Denis Golovin
Profile :

> asookazian wrote:
> What is the best (and safest) way to upgrade?
If you update from Development Releases like 3.1.0.M1, ..., 3.1.0.M4, 
3.1.0.CR1, ..., 3.1.0.CR3 update from satble galileo update site should work 
for you. If you have any problem with update you can try to uninstall 
JBossTools Plugins and then install them form update site. If previous steps 
don't help you or If you have nightly version the best way is fresh eclipse 
installation and then installation JBossTools from online or offline update 
I personally prefer to use to Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers and and then 
to install JBossTools from online update site. It is better because in "Eclipse 
Platform Installation Details" Dialog (see previous post) all eclipse plug-ins 
will be aggregated under one item and gives easy way to install all JBossTools 
plugins if it is needed.


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