Adrian Brock [] replied to 
the discussion

"Testing jboss-reflect with a SecurityManager enabled"

To view the discussion, visit:

> Kabir Khan wrote:
> The next problem is the Javassist version of the 
> Field-/MethodAccessRestrictionTestCase. These fail since the javassist 
> generated accessors (from JBREFLECT-6) are able to access private members, 
> due to inheriting from sun.reflect.MagicAccessorImpl, so we don't get the 
> expected exceptions when calling private members with a security manager 
> enabled. My plan there is to modify JavassistFieldInfo and 
> JavassistMethodInfo to throw an exception if an attempt is made to access 
> them if they are not public and there is a security manager present.
No, if there is a SecurityManager you should do a similar check to what is done 
by the Reflection based api,
i.e. whether the caller has the "suppressAccessChecks" permission.
See ReflectionMethodInfoImpl.

P.S. I don't think you've solved the whole problem, see
e.g. the MagicAccessorImpl trick doesn't work on jrockit for classes outside 
the bootstrap classloader.


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