Max Andersen [] 
modified the document:

"How Developers should use JBoss Tools JIRA "

To view the document, visit:

JBoss Tools jira is located at and its related project JBoss 
Developer Studio has a jira at

h1. Lifecycle of an issue

Overall the lifecycle of an issue that is supposed to be implemented (i.e. not 
rejected) the lifecycle is as follows:

1. Someone creates an issue
2. if it is a relevant issue a committer assigns it for a fix version
3. a committer fixes the issue and resolves the issue
4. during QA the issue gets 1. Closed or 
2. Reopened if the issue is not fully resolved and then Goto #3

h2. Creation
Anyone can create an issue. When the issue is created it should as a minimum 

* a *good summary* (selfexplanatory if possible)
* a *Component* to make it show up categorized instead of in the
 "No Component" component which would make it hard to see which components has 
the most need for attention/workload. If you feel there is no matching 
component go to the devel list and suggest one.
* *Affects version* so we know which version to reproduce the issue in
* *Description* to allow us to reproduce the issue or understand what the 
feature is about. Attach projects, output from Help > Report problem, 
screenshots or even a screencast to illustrate 
what you want to describe.

Assignment should not happen before you know for sure the committer is going to 
work on the issue.

h2. Assignment
Only committers/developers should assign the issue. Do not assign the issue to 
anyone unless that is yourself or you know for sure he or she is supposed to 
work on it. If all issues are assigned we cannot see which are unassigned and 
needs attention.

The one who is assigned should also make sure to set:

* the *Fix Version(s)* to indicate when it should be completed, without a Fix 
Version it will not show up in the
 Road Map nor
 Change log
* the *Priority* should be set in context of the Fix Version, i.e. an issue can 
be trivial to implement but still be a Blocker if it is a must have feature or 
bug to have for the release.

Note: Since April 1, 2010 we changed the default assignment from "Unassigned" 
to "Component Lead" meaning component lead's will get notification immidiatly 
for incoming issues and they should make sure the jira gets processed. If the 
issue is not yours, reassign to the right component/assignee. If not something 
that will be done by you, make the issue "Unassigned" and set proper fix 

h2. Discussions
*Keep description updated* - which means if issue has a discussion what  
actually should be done all this should be collected in description.  That 
saves time for anyone who is working with this issue to understand  what 
actually should be done and how to verify it. Last thing is useful  for QA.
h2. Fixing/Resolving
When an issue gets fixed the developer should make sure to:

* *Add unittests*, any non-trival issue is not fixed and should not be 
committed before the unittest is there for it
* *List the JIRA URL* in the relevant commit(s) (e.g. ) together with a short comment on 
what was done
* *Resolve* (not Close) the issue 
* *Comment* on what was done, i.e. sometimes "Done" is fine but if something 
were done differently than initially discussed in the jira or one of multiple 
options were implemented state which one and if some new api/feature was 
introduced put an explanation on how to use it.
* *Write Test Cases/Scenarious* for QA and users with EXECUTE/ASSERT statements 
describing what should be tested manually to verify the testcase or *attach 
relevant screenshots* or *create screencast* to show new functionality.
* *Verify the Component and Fix Version* is correct, remember that if we have 
branched for doing a release and you fixed the issue in both branches set both 
related versions (i.e. 3.0.0.beta1 and 3.0.0.cr1), if you only fixed it in one 
branch/trunk make sure you select the correct version.

h2. QA/Closing/Reopen
During QA  a committer or QA engineer verifies the issue following the 
description and/or EXECUTE/ASSERT instructions and if the issue is completed he 

* *Verify the Component and Fix Version* is correct
* *Close* the issue
* *Comment* with which build/setup he verified it in

If the issue is not completed then

* *Reopen* the issue
* *Comment* what is not working
* *Assign* it back to the developer who resolved the issue


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