Hello all,

I'm a newbie and am trying to programatically find the filesystem path to the 
its .ear file, without to explicitly specify it. (I deploy myapp.ear  in the 
jboss/server/default/deploy directory, but I don't want to have to configure it)

I found a way (a hack) to do it like this:
String rootPath = getClass().getResource("/").getFile();
This points to the dir where the Tomcat deployer has deployed the app: 
 . Then I create a File object and have the dir.
File earDir = new File(rootPath).getParentFile();

This URL-hack is certainly very deployment- and JBoss-specific and I was 
looking for a more-elegant solution. Perhaps the Java Management API (JSR-77) 
or the Java Deployment API (JSR-88) would help me? Any hints or code would be 
very appreciated!


PS: My actual goal is to list all classes in my application that implement a 
given interface. I was surprised to see that this was not possible using 
Reflection. The only solution seems to be to brute-force search in the 
application's .ear file (or in the deployer's temp-dir) and to compare all 
classes with the interface using Class.isAssignableFrom().

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