Andrig Miller [] 
created the discussion

"Multiple Persistence Units with the same entities"

To view the discussion, visit:

In developing some code, it dawned on me that I had some batch processing, and 
some OLTP process, and that I really wanted to configure them differently, from 
a JPA perspective.

So, I created two persistence units in my persistence.xml, with two different 
sets of Hibernate properties, pointing at the same database, and let it default 
to scanning for the Entities in my jar.

I also then updated my stateless session beans to have two entity managers 
injected one, referencing one persistent unit name, and the other referencing 
the other.

In the batch processing methods I use the entity manager that is configured for 
batch processing, and in the other methods I use the one configured for OLTP 

This is all working, but when I was reading various sources for whether this 
"should" work, it wasn't clear.

So, while it does work, what I am wondering, is this spec compliant, or is this 
just dumb, blind luck that it works?


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