Huisheng Xu [] replied to the discussion

"AttachmentTest failure"

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Hi Maciej,
  When I change JDK from 1.5 to 1.6, then the testcase passed.  And I find 
there was javax.activation package in the rt.jar of JDK 1.6.  I decompile the 
ObjectDataHandler.class to,  and saw its content is as 
same as activation-1.1.1.jar.  It means that the JDK 1.6 included a 
activation-1.1.1.jar.  So if someone want to send mail with JDK1.5, he must use 

  So If Alejandro could modify the pom.xml and change activation.jar from 1.1 
to 1.1.1.  It will be very appreciate.


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