Christian Heupel [] created the 

"JBoss + SPECjEnterprise2010 (or how to patch hibernate)"

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Hello together,

I am currently trying to deploy the SPECjEnterprise2010 Benchmark on an JBoss 
Application-Server and I'm facing some Problems for which I hoped I could get a 
push in the right direction to solve them here (I should probably notice, that 
I opened the thread in this section because I indeed am a beginner when it 
comes to JBoss, SPEC and even EJB, maybe it would be better placed in the 
"deployment section" or in a hibernate-forum - as you will see).

I have tried to deploy it on the server versions 5.0.1, 5.1.0 and 6-M2, but 
with all of them I am facing deployment problems caused by hibernate errors.
A readme-file attached to SPEC then pointed out, that there will be deployment 
problems with JBoss and that a patch of hibernate would be necessary.

I have downloaded the hibernate sources, i have used the provided patches for 
this issue (Patch-Nr. is HHH-4552)  to change the necessary files. Now my 
problem is, that I don't really know how to apply this patch to the used JBoss 
Application-Server since I find myself unable to reproduce the structure I find 
in the thirdparty-folder and even cannot find some of the patched files in one 
of the hibernate jars which are used there.

So my questions are to the point:
1) Has anyone accomplished to successfully deploy SPECjEnterprise2010 on a 
JBoss Application-Server and could give me a hint on what to do here?
2) Can someone please tell me how to use the patch correctly in order to not 
only alter the hibernate-sources, but to also integrate them in the AS?
3) Am I at the right place for these questions here?  :) 

Thanks a lot for any answers in advance!!,



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