Michael Wohlfart [http://community.jboss.org/people/mwohlf] replied to the 

"Updating users, groups or membership"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/542198#542198

Hi Juan,
you don't need to use the JBPM4_ID_USER, JBPM4_ID_MEMBERSHIP and JBPM4_ID_GROUP 
tables from jbpm4, the only way jBPM4 interacts with identities is by using 
String IDs, like for example the taskService.findGroupTasks(userId) or 
task.getAssignee() methods.
So you can implement your own Abstraction layer for whatever identity backend 
you have.
Having said that, of course you are free to use the included tables and the 
jBPM4 identity component however there might be some features missing.


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