yong deng [http://community.jboss.org/people/dengyong] created the discussion

"why JMS server connection can not recover when the socket, which JMS server 
uses to delivery messages to client, is broken"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/544953#544953

My environment:
JBoss messaging 1.4.0.SP3-CP05 + JBoss remoting 2.2.2.SP10
My case is like below:
   I have a JMS client which will subscribe messages from a JMS topic. On the 
JMS connection, I set an ExceptionListener so that I can detect the connection 
   I did following testing and found some situation JMS connection exception 
listener can not dectect connection broken.
   By default, JMS bisocket will listen on port 4457. For every JMS connection, 
I can find two TCP connection connecting to the port 4457. Besides that, I can 
find the other two TCP connection which I guess server will use to delivery 
messages to the clients.
   1. when I [only] close TCP connection connecting to the port 4457 use some 
tools, indeed the ExceptionListener can detect the broken connection
   2. but when I [only] close the other two TCP connection, I find:
       1) JMS server will log an exception on ServerInvokerCallbackHandler. 
After that, it seems will never recover to delivery messages to the clients 
       On the same handle, the session will still be live in server side, I 
find this from MBean [jboss.messaging:service=ServerPeer  
showActiveClientsAsHTML] from JMX console.
       2) JMS client then can never get message from server side again and also 
the JMS ExceptionListener on connection can never detect connection failure
Now my questions here is:
   1. for my case 2, should not the JMS server try to recovery from broken 
sockets to delivery messages to the JMS client again?
   2. for my case 2, if expected behavior can not be implemented, at least JMS 
connection ExceptionListener should be able to detect failure and reconnect?


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