HuiSheng Xu [] replied to the discussion

"Subprocess transition in a fork is not working"

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Hi Rachel,

Because in jBPM4, all of operations will be done in the Environment. e.g. we 
invoke findProcessInstanceById(),  jbpm4 will open an environment and open a 
hibernate session, then do the real cmd, after return result, jbpm4 will close 
the environment and close relate hibernate session.

When we get a process instance or execution from executionService, the instance 
couldnot automaticly notice when the related record in database being updated.  
Because the session of hibernate has been closed.

So commonly, after we do some operations likes signal, we should re-get the 
process instance or execution from executionService, then we could get the real 
state.  Otherwise what we get will be always the 'OLD' data.


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