J Rosenberger [http://community.jboss.org/people/pulpo888] created the 

"Deploying ws with custom JAXBContext"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/547963#547963

So I was looking at programmatic deployment of web services, and in my case the 
implementation class is missing the jaxws annotations.  So basically I've got 
the JAXBIntroductions use case, except that I'm not reading the JAXB metadata 
from an XML file, I have the info at runtime another way.  I have no trouble 
creating a custom AnnotationsReader and adding that to a new JAXBContext.  But 
how do I get JBoss to use it?

JAXBIntroductions itself does this with a custom deployment aspect, attaching 
the annotation reader to local deployment objects that don't exist outside the 
deployment process.  If I did it this way I would have to crack open the 
standard jbossws bean xmls and add my own deploymentaspect class, which I guess 
I would then have to deploy to server/lib as part of my base server install.  
I'd rather not, to be honest.  I found some old threads (from the jaxbintros 
development apparently) lamenting the fact that this was necessary.  As those 
threads are a couple years old, I'm hoping maybe something has changed in the 
APIs?  I've dug a bit through the code but haven't found anything as of yet.

Summary, I'm trying to get JBoss to use a JAXBContext provided by me (or to 
modify theirs) for certain (not all!) WS deployments.

I'm using AS 5.1 and JBossWS native 3.3.1.  (I'm also using JBossESB 4.8)

Many thanks if you can help me figure this out.



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