Sai V [] created the discussion

"Communication between EJBs across 2 ears"

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I have a "Role" bean implemented and deployed in Jboss as "svc" ear.
I have a "Dbi" bean implemented and deployedin Jboss as "Dbi" ear.

Now I want to call methods in the Role bean from Dbi bean methods.
To do that I inject Role bean in Dbi using the code below...

@EJB(name="Role", beanInterface=Role.class)
roleLookup = (Role) new InitialContext().lookup("java:comp/env/ejb/Role");

I keep getting "NameNotFoundException: Role not bound", when I run this code.

How do I resolve this error? Is it possible at all?
I am new to J2EE and to these forums. So I apologise if my message is in an 
incorrect format or improper forum.


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