Joe Gottman [] replied to the 

"Bug: jPBM 4.4: JbpmException thrown by ActivityExecution.getActivity()"

To view the discussion, visit:

The major thing I object to is the fact that I have to call elements of the 
private interface to make the public method getActvity() work.  If 
getActivity() requires an active Environment, then that fact should be 
published in the JavaDocs and there should be a well-advertised way in jBPM to 
get an Enviroment (and close it when I'm done with it). 

Right now, the Environment interface isn't even in the jBPM public API.  As a 
user, I don't know what an Environment is, what it is used for,  or how long I 
should keep one around.  Can I maintain one indefinitely, like a Hibernate 
session, or do  I need to close it as soon as I'm done with it, like a database 


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