Vivek Nandavanam [] created 
the discussion

"Dynamic AOP + Hot Swap + Not able to get it work"

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I am very new to JBoss and AOP. I have been trying to implement dynamic aop and 
i am using jboss-4.2.3-GA and JDK 1.6.0_01.
Jboss aop in use is the one that comes with 4.2.3 by default.
An interceptor that i created is getting invoke from an application.
>From this interceptor i am calling a session bean which has a method to return 
>a string.
I have deployed the session bean along with the home and remote interface in 
one jar, and the interceptor in a plain jar.
The extract from the *-aop.xml is as below:


   <prepare expr="all(com.test.interceptor.InterceptorClass)"/>

   <typedef name="Transform" expr="class(com.other.test.Bean)"/>

     <bind pointcut="execution(* $typedef{Transform}->someMethod(..))">
        <interceptor class="com.test.interceptor.InterceptorClass"/>


I am making a change in the session bean and redeploying it so that it returns 
a different string without starting jboss.
But i see that the changes are not reflected.
The 'EnableLoadtimeWeaving' attribute is set to true in jboss-service.xml and i 
have added -javaagent:pluggable-instrumentor.jar in run.bat file.
The example ear and wars created using jboss aop1.5 seem to work fine.

I read about enabling the hot swap feature, but how is that done in jboss.
Since i am compiling the session beans outside of jboss and then redeploying 
So all i want to do is to redeploy my session bean without restarting jboss in 

Please point me in the right direction.



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