Flavia Rainone [http://community.jboss.org/people/flavia.rainone%40jboss.com] 
replied to the discussion

"Dynamic AOP application, not able to redeploy the aspects at runtime"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/554298#554298

> Vivek Nandavanam wrote:
> The archive structure that is redeployed(JAR) is like this:/
> SessionBean
> HomeInterface
> RemoteInterface
> ejb-jar.xml
> I am compiling and creating the jars externally. Later redeploying it into 
> the deploy folder at runtime. 

I'm still missing some information... where is the aop stuff you deployed? And 
how is that packaged?
What are the changes you applied to the code, and to which part of the code?

Once I can see the whole picture, I hope I will be able to help you :-)


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