HuiSheng Xu [] replied to the discussion

"Fork and join , bug ?"

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Hi Hamel,

By default,  JoinActivity used its incomming transitions to decide when 
execution need to continue.

So for the 'join5', you shouldn't add a join under decision,  because there 
were two incomming transitions in join5,  join5 will wait for two executions 
arrived it and let execution continue to next step.  but decision won't create 
any child execution,  so there will be always one execution arrived on join5,  
but join5 didn't know that,  it will go on waiting for the second execution,  
then the whole process instance was blocked.

Please notice that, you should use join only after a fork activity.

The join1 is another situation.  As mentioned before,  join used its incomming 
transitions to decide when to continue.  There are four incomming transitions 
on join1,  but then only three child execution being created by fork on the 
runtime,  so we have to set multiplicity=3 on join1,  so join1 could know if 
there are 3 child execution arrived , then the execution should continue to 
next step.



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