Nathan Boyce [] created the 

"ajp session request remote address"

To view the discussion, visit:

I'm looking for a way to pull the ajp session request remote address's without 
using the web console. Anyone know of a better way to pull ajp session request 
address? I dont want to run this on a  server with over 1000 active sessions 
because its going to run ("active session" + "1")  twiddle request and take 
minutes to finish.

#script start 
res1=$(date +%s.%N) 
AJPCOUNT=$(/usr/local/jboss/bin/ -s $HOST  get  
"jboss.web:name=ajp-,type=ThreadPool"  currentThreadCount   |awk 
-F\= '{print $2}') 
for X in $(seq 1 $AJPCOUNT); do /usr/local/jboss/bin/ -s  $HOST  get  
remoteAddr|awk -F\= '{print $2}';done |sort -n |uniq -c 
#script end 
res2=$(date +%s.%N) 
echo "Elapsed Time:  $(echo "$res2 - $res1"|bc )"


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