Max Andersen [] 
modified the blog post:

"JBoss Tools 3.2.0.M2 Delta Cloud, GWT, Teiid and more"

To view the blog post, visit:

Time for Milestone 2 of JBoss Tools, the Eclipse plugin suite for JBoss and 
related technologies. 
h4. 3.2.0.M2
[ Download] [ Update Site]  [ What's New] [ Movies] [ Documentation (not updated yet)]  [ Forums]  [ JIRA] [ 

h3. New Features Overview
We have a lot of different fixes and improvements in this release and I only 
touch upon a little in the following; you can see the full
 change log and
 What's New and Noteworthy for screenshots.

h3. Usage Tracking
By default we now bundle a Usage Plugin that gathers anonymous usage 
statistics. You will see a dialog box when you start your Eclipse instance 
which will ask if you wish to send statistics or not; it is voluntary to 
participate but we hope you will since it makes us happy to know how and where 
JBoss Tools are used worldwide.

You can see details on how this work here.

h3. Remote Deployment
JBoss AS Servers now has direct support for doing remote deployment via Eclipse 
Remote System Explorer (RSE), making any host with a RSE filesystem (SCP, FTP, 
etc.) a possible target for deploying resources. This can be used to deploy to 
remote system on the local network or on systems available in the cloud to 
which you have SCP or FTP access.

h3. Runtime Detection
You no longer have to manually configure individual runtimes within JBoss 
Tools. We have moved our runtime detection from JBoss Developer Studio into 
JBoss Tools it self, allowing you to point to a JBoss AS, EAP, SOA-P or EPP 
installation and have all the supported runtimes (Seam, Drools, etc.) 
configured inside Eclipse automatically.
h3. Delta Cloud
We are including the first public version of our tooling for Delta Cloud. The Delta Cloud tooling allows you to browse 
a Delta Cloud installation, manage images, start/stop instances and make them 
easily available in Eclipse Remote System Explorer which you then can use as 
targets for the JBoss AS Remote deployment.

h3. Teiid
The Teiid Designer is now bundled in JBoss Tools  allowing you to utilize Teiid's features for federating data and query  its 
virtualized data models. Going forward there will be even more  integration 
between Teiid and the rest of the plugin suite, i.e. easy  usage of Teiid 
datasources when using Hibernate Tools and Seam Entities  generation.

h3. DocBook Editor
There is now a designated editor supporting DocBook documents. Should remove 
some of the problems users were reporting trying to use the HTML Visual Page 
Editor for editing DocBook.

h3. Context Dependency Injection
The CDI/Seam team have been providing a lot of feedback to the CDI tooling and 
this release therefore have a lot of improvements in context of validation 
messages, Open On's and wizards for CDI.

The Maven integration now also automatically configures CDI and Hibernate if 
your pom.xml files references CDI or Hibernate artifacts.
h3. Google Web Tool Kit (Experimental)
We have added a GWT Facet to this release allowing you to use Google's (free, 
but not open) GWT Eclipse tooling in Eclipse WTP projects without manually 
configuration. This allows you to easily enable GWT for Dynamic Web Projects 
and deploy it to any WTP enabled server such as JBoss, Tomcat, Glassfish etc.

It is marked Experimental since we hope to convince Google to adopting this 
into their tooling instead of only having their Google AppEngine limited 
wizards (cross your fingers  :) ). If you want to try it see this wiki.

h3. ..and More - Now Go get it!
As always feedback is welcome and we look forward to hear your input and other 

Have Fun!

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