Michael Wohlfart [http://community.jboss.org/people/mwohlf] created the 

"Re: Concept of different locales/time zones in jBPM5"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/563675#563675

Hi Peter,
I agree with you that timezones should be considered from the beginning of 
jBPM5's development.

But I don't see your point about jBPM4, what i don't understand is this:
> [...]
> The problem is that the current implementation of jBPM neither store nor use 
> UTC time and date internally: the engine always rely on the local time and 
> date which can lead issues in an environment where your clients are in 
> different locations (and time zones)
> [...] 
> The current implementation simply returns 'new Date()' which contains the 
> local timestamp. If the UTC time was returned here that would mean that you 
> store the date consistently from all locations but at the same time, you 
> would also have to modify the code in a lot of places (date based queries in 
> service interfaces; JobExecutor service scheduling etc) so I am a bit 
> reluctant to say that all these parts should be rewritten.
Why do you think the engine uses local time internally?

This is from JavaDoc for java.util.Date:
> Although the Date class is intended to reflect   coordinated universal time 
> (UTC), it may not do so exactly,   depending on the host environment of the 
> Java Virtual Machine.   Nearly all modern operating systems assume that 1 day 
> =  24 × 60 × 60 = 86400 seconds   in all cases. In UTC, however, about once 
> every year or two there   is an extra second, called a "leap second." The 
> leap   second is always added as the last second of the day, and always   on 
> December 31 or June 30. For example, the last minute of the   year 1995 was 
> 61 seconds long, thanks to an added leap second.   Most computer clocks are 
> not accurate enough to be able to reflect   the leap-second distinction.
So my understanding so far was that jBPM4 uses UTC already internally (which 
may be off by some seconds on some platforms), but as far as I understand you 
don't agree on that?

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