Phillip Thurmond [] 
created the discussion

"Creating an audit trail"

To view the discussion, visit:

I'm trying to construct an audit mechanism for my JBPM processes.  When I first 
saw the event section in the user guide, I thought it would be perfect, but, 
after looking at the example, it seems that events are almost completely 
worthless.  The reason for this is that you a) have to explicitly scatter 
events in your processes (a real nightmare if you have a lot of them) and b) 
have to explicitly tell it which class is a listener.  I thought the whole 
point of events was that you didn't need to know what or how many listeners 
were listening.  You could just generate an event and every listener who had 
registered would know about it.  Am I missing something here?

In any case, here's what I would like to do.  I would like have an audit class 
which is notified on every step of a process.  The audit class may choose to 
record these steps and some of the variables which would allow reconstruction 
of the "flow" of a specific execution of a process.  I welcome any ideas about 
how to best implement this since it doesn't seem to be provided by default.


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