Fabio Spiga [http://community.jboss.org/people/Spiga] created the discussion

"Impossible to find Group Tasks ordered"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/566226#566226

Hi everybody,
I need to get the group tasks for which a user is candidate in a manner ORDERED 
e PAGED, so the API findGroupTasks is not sufficient.
Therefore, I have replaced findGroupTasks() with the following code:

+         taskList = getTaskService().createTaskQuery()
            .page(startRow, maxResults)

The problem is that the resulting list is not ordered.
By debugging jBPM sources, I've found that the problem is in the class 
org.jbpm.pvm.internal.query.TaskQueryImpl within the method

+public String hql()+

Here the ORDER BY clause is added only if I'm not searching for Candidate. The 
original code is the following:

+if (candidate == null && !count)

Why in your opinion is there such a condition?
How can I do to obtain an ordered and paged list for a candidate user?

Thanks you in advance,

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