Rupesh Bhadeshiya [] created 
the discussion

"Re: Duplicate request threads are received at JBoss during Load Testing only 
for some value of maxThreads"

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Thanks for your reply and input.

Actually we do not generate load test entity IDs on the fly, we generate it 
offline. The database itself is having unique constrains where we generate and 
store these IDs hence there is not possibility to have duplicate IDs being 
generated. Also based on your input we have verified each request being sent 
from load testing client are having unique IDs only, without any repetitive 
IDs. At the same time we have also verified that Load Testing client do not 
repeat any request which may lead to the exceptional scenario. The first entry 
point of request within application has logs enabled where we have identified 
the duplicate request which is leading the exceptional scenarios.

Thanks and Best Regards,

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