Maros Bajtos [] created the 

"Re: Terrible performance with lot of concurrent ejb calls - 

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We have security-domain in our jboss-app.xml, I guess that counts too. I just 
tried to turn off RoleBasedAuthorizationInterceptorv2 in jboss-ejb3-core.jar, 
but it didn't help much, I think there are more places where 
SecurityActions.loadClass is called. Btw I realized that the the number of ejb 
calls is even higher, so it's like thousands of calls - that would explain why 
the performance is so terrible - ClassLoader.loadClass is called so many times, 
that even small overhead of managing lock can degrade performance significantly 
(especially with many threads calling that method and blocking each other).

I think we will consider change of implementation a bit and don't use EJBs so 
often, but anyway, I think this extreme case is showing some performance 
problems very well.

I can't attach the application, since it is proprietary:( I will try to append 
profiler snapshots tomorrow.

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