dimshust dimshust [http://community.jboss.org/people/dimshust] created the 

"integrate axis2/c service in jboss"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/574674#574674

(sry for bad english)....
My problem, i have a client (it can be only on c++)...I have service wsdl. I 
have generated a service c++ code,(using axis2 tool WSDL2C, using service 
wsdl).... Now I can integrate this service code into the apache web server, 
because the axis2 c++ has a plugin for this purpose. 
But i need integrate this sirvice code into JBoss web server. Whether it is 
Theoretically, I can make service at a window, and the client on a chair.Then 
to integrate window service into a chair and to incorporate to it a window chair
Theoretically, I can generate service at a java, and the client as c++. Then to 
integrate java service into a JBoss and to connect to it a c++ client. But it 
would be much better, if service was on с++
(sry for bad english)....
My problem, i have a client (it can be only on c++)...I have service wsdl. I 
have generated a service c++ code,(using axis2 tool WSDL2C, using service 
wsdl).... Now I can integrate this service code into the apache web server, 
because the axis2 c++ has a plugin for this purpose. 

But i need integrate this sirvice code into JBoss web server. Whether it is 

Theoretically, I can make service at a window, and the client on a chair.Then 
to integrate window service into a chair and to incorporate to it a window chair
Theoretically, I can generate service at a java, and the client as c++. Then to 
integrate java service into a JBoss and to connect to it a c++ client. But it 
would be much better, if service was on с++

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