arnie2k [] created the discussion

"IOException: Could not transmit message"

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Being new to the forum, not sure whether i am posting my question in the right 
place. If not, please do guide me accordingly.

I am having trouble accessing a service that is deployed locally.

The service was created using wsconsume (so I guess its JAX-WS). It was 
deployed and tested as a stand alone successfully.

When inegrated with spring, I get the above exception.

Attached *spring-servlet.xml* has a snippet of the context file.

A snippet of the wsdl is as shown below

<service name="PayoffQuoteInterfaceImplService">
     <port binding="tns:PayoffQuoteInterfaceBinding" 
          <soap:address location=""/>

The exception stack trace can be retrieved from the attached *exception.txt* 

Though I do have made an entry in the pom.xml for XMLServiceException class, I 
see a no class def found execption.


Initially, I also tried by creating the client stubs using wsimport. But with 
stubs generated or not, I ended up with the same exception.

Is this cos of some marshalling failure?

Also attaching the service interface class generated using wsimport.

The JBossAS version is *4.2.3.GA*
The JBossWS (native) version is *jbossws-native-3.1.1.GA*

Any help in resolving this would be greatly appreciated.


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