henk de boer [http://community.jboss.org/people/henk53] created the discussion

"Re: 64 bit xulrunner - has anyone got one, or detailed steps to build one?"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/577483#577483

> Max Andersen wrote:
> Yes, we should make it optional:  https://jira.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-7058 
> https://jira.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-7058
> It is better you can install and have 95% of the functionallity working than 
> not being able to install at all.

Just wanted to mention that in JBoss Tools 3.2 beta 2 xulrunner still seems to 
be required:

I tried to install JBoss Tools RichFaces     3.2.0.v20101206-2100-H28-Beta2 on 
Mac OS X 10.6/Eclipse Helios 64 bits and it gave me the following:

Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be 

  Software being installed: JBoss Tools RichFaces 
3.2.0.v20101206-2100-H28-Beta2 (org.jboss.tools.richfaces.feature.feature.group 

  Missing requirement for filter properties ~= $0: XULRunner 
1.9.12.v20101206-2100-H28-Beta2) requires 'org.mozilla.xulrunner.cocoa.macosx 
[]' but it could not be found

  Cannot satisfy dependency:

    From: JBoss Tools RichFaces 3.2.0.v20101206-2100-H28-Beta2 
(org.jboss.tools.richfaces.feature.feature.group 3.2.0.v20101206-2100-H28-Beta2)

    To: org.jboss.tools.xulrunner.feature.feature.group 0.0.0

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