Miklos Balazs [http://community.jboss.org/people/mbalazs] created the discussion

"EJB's and classloading"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/578544#578544


Sorry for double posting it, I posted this question to the JBoss AS deployment 
forum yesterday, but I just found this forum and I think that more people read 
it here who may be able to help me with this.

I have successfully managed to get myself in classloading hell.  :)  And I 
would be glad if someone could help me out with this because I couldn't find 
enough information to resolve this problem. I am using JBoss AS 5.1.

Here is my scenario:

I have two top level EAR's: Service.ear and Application.ear

Service.ear contains an MBean and a WAR, and has no classloader isolation 
defined or any other classloader settings modified.
Application.ear has an EJB module and a WAR, and has an isolated classloader 
repository defined in the ear's jboss-app.xml, with java2ParentDelegation 

The problem is the following:
The MBean in Service.ear is an event dispatcher, and the Application.ear's WAR 
registers an event listener object in the MBean during servlet context 
initialization. When the MBean dispatches the event, it can call the event 
listener registered by the application without problems, however, the event 
listener needs to use an SFSB, and at that point it fails because it can't 
access the EJB's remote interface:

2011-01-03 16:30:41,856 ERROR [...] 
(http-droolsdemo-portal%2F172.16.3.28-8080-1) Could not lookup GwtConsoleClient 
session bean: javax.naming.NamingException: Could not dereference object [Root 
exception is java.lang.RuntimeException: Can not find interface declared by 
Proxy in our CL + 

(GwtConsoleClient's classes are in the EJB module of Application.ear)

I can see that the problem is that the whole call chain was started from within 
the Service.ear's context, thus it uses its class loader domain. It is unclear 
to me that what exactly  

Does it refer to a classloader repository?
If this is specific to the new classloading model in JBoss 5, where can I find 
a decent description of how it works?
Would it resolve the problem if I could somehow delegate the loading of the 
remote interface to the default classloader, so that that single class would 
not be isolated? Is it possible to do that?

Miklos Balazs

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