arjan tijms [] created the discussion
"Re: JBoss tools 3.2B1 sometimes doesn't deploy classes in web module" To view the discussion, visit: -------------------------------------------------------------- I unfortunately keep seeing this problem. Just now it happened again right after doing a save in a regular Java file in the web module while JBoss AS was running. In the Server Log I noticed the message "2586 files modified ..." In the deployed web module, everything except META-INF and WEB-INF has been deleted. WEB-INF is empty too, except for the classes directory. The classes directory seem to contain only folders and non-class files though. Timestamps on the few (non class) files that are there in the deployment's web module are from a few weeks back. Folder (package) timestamps are from yesterday. Timestamps in my workspace in the WEB-INF directory are from a few weeks back to yesterday too. One perculiar thing I noticed is that when I unfold "JBoss 5.1 Runtime Server" in the Servers view, it first correctly shows the one and only ear module I deployed. However, when I unfold that one, it lists not only the ejb module and the web module, but also 2 libraries van the ear/lib directory! These are the jbosscache-core.jar and jgroups.jar that I found earlier in the Server Log. I however have more than those 2 libs in my ear/lib directory, so why it lists pricesely those two there is not clear. I checked all config files and even did a global grep on my filesystem, but could not find where JBoss tools could possibly store this information. When I unfold the web module, I see a similar thing. It lists two libraries: jxl.jar and saxon9.jar. Here too, I have much more libraries in the web module than those two. Maybe this is related. Where does JBoss tools remember it needs to list just those directories there? And how do I remove those from being listed? -------------------------------------------------------------- Reply to this message by going to Community [] Start a new discussion in JBoss Tools at Community [!input.jspa?contentType=1&containerType=14&container=2128]
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