Kris Verlaenen [] created the 

"Re: Map between task to form"

To view the discussion, visit:

By default, the jbpm-console will be looking for task forms (freemarker 
templates as described in the documentation) for all the tasks that need to be 
executed.  This task UI then simply calls the human task service with the 
necessary data whenever the user completes a task etc.

If you don't want to use this approach but want to provide your own task forms 
using a different technology, you can always simply create your own UI that 
calls the necessary human task service methods whenever appropriate.  If you're 
happy with the jbpm-console but only want to extend the task form solution, 
that is also possible but will require a deep dive and quite some technical 
skills.  I suggest you try to catch me on irc to discuss this if you think this 
is the best approach.

Not sure what you mean with a Java class having to handle a human task.  A 
human task represents a task that needs to be executed by a human.  If you want 
to specify an automatic task, you should probably use a service tasks aka work 
item node.  If you simply want to have your own java code handle human tasks 
instead of our human task service, you can simply create your own work item 
handler (java class) and register that for the "Human Task".


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