Kris Verlaenen [] created the 

"Re: Steps to create a user interface so that end user can interact with human 
task management component in JBPM5"

To view the discussion, visit:

The jbpm-console only supports ftl templates by default, so if you want to use 
a jsf form, that would need to be extended.

I've just completed the Guvnor integration, so now you can just upload all your 
processes, forms, etc. to guvnor and the jbpm-console will be able to find them 
there.  If you want to make sure the console can find your form, give it the 
name {TaskName}.ftl and upload it to the defaultPackage on guvnor.

If you don't want to use Guvnor, you can just make sure that the form is on the 
jbpm-console application classpath.

I'm making a blog entry and screencast about this in the next few days, so keep 
an eye on the blog.


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