Gary Pinkham [] created the discussion

"bpmtoesbvars and esbtobpmvars..."

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I'm using 5.0.2 of the SOA-P (and therefore jBPM3)

I have a workflow that calls an ESBActionHandler.. like this (yes the exception 
handler is missing):
 <node name="create pdf">
                    <action name="action"
                                        <mapping bpm="message" 
                                        <mapping bpm="masterCaseId" 
esb="masterCaseId" />
                      <mapping esb="body.pdffile" bpm="attachment" />
                    <timer duedate="10 seconds" name="timeout" transition="save 
                    <transition name="save pdf" to="save pdf">

the GeneratePDFAccplicationService is an ESB Service that runs an XSLT and a 
custom FOP action.. The custom action adds a variable called pdffile to the 
body of the message..  like so:
        message.getBody().add(this.attachmentName, baos.toByteArray());

I put in a couple of displays.. One in the custom ESB Action:
11:07:14,585 INFO  [STDOUT] body variable names: 
11:07:14,585 INFO  [STDOUT] org.jboss.soa.esb.message.defaultEntry
11:07:14,585 INFO  [STDOUT] masterCaseId
11:07:14,585 INFO  [STDOUT] xslfo
11:07:14,585 INFO  [STDOUT] pdffile
And we leave that node and go onto another node
11:07:21,536 INFO  [STDOUT] this script is leaving node Node(create pdf)
11:07:21,545 INFO  [STDOUT] this script is entering node Node(save pdf)

In this node I printed the BPM variables:
11:07:21,627 INFO  [STDOUT]  BPM variables: 
11:07:21,627 INFO  [STDOUT] message
11:07:21,627 INFO  [STDOUT] jbpmProcessNodeVersionCounter21_27
11:07:21,627 INFO  [STDOUT] masterCaseId

No variable called attachment..   So what happened to this: 
<mapping esb="body.pdffile" bpm="attachment" />

I know the body.pdffile variable is there (as seen above)..   Amd I referring 
to it wrong?  is it not "body."???

thanks for the help!!!

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