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the document:

"jBPM3 on Sybase"

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 #Configuration_highlights Configuration highlights

 #Lock_scheme Lock scheme

 #Number_of_locks Number of locks

 #Distributed_transactions Distributed transactions

 #Known_anomalies Known anomalies

 #Page_size Page size

 #Gaps_in_the_autogenerated_IDs Gaps in the auto-generated IDs

 #Past_pests_which_may_bite_again Past pests (which may bite again)

 #JDBC_drivers JDBC drivers

 #Wide_table_support Wide table support

 #Binary_datatypes Binary datatypes

h3. Configuration highlights
h4. Lock scheme
Sybase offers three
 locking schemes: allpages, datapages and datarows. The locking scheme can be 
indicated at table creation time, and falls back to a server-wide configuration 
parameter. When the server is first installed, the +lock scheme+ parameter is 
set to allpages. The allpages scheme may be too coarse to applications like 
jBPM where many small rows share a single page.

Our tests with concurrent job processing reveal that page locking is prone to 
deadlock. Our suggestion is converting execution and log tables to datarows 
locking for alleviating the incidence of deadlocks. Such a conversion is not 
recommended for definition tables as they are mostly read only and do not offer 
any gains in exchange for the extra overhead.

The locking scheme for jBPM tables created with the SQL data definition script 
distributed with the product can be changed on an individual basis using the 
alter table command.
alter table table_name 
     lock {allpages | datapages | datarows}

Changing the server-wide configuration parameter is not advisable in a 
production environment as it might impact other databases. However, should you 
find yourself in need for a quick fix for deadlocks in development, you can set 
the parameter using the *sp_configure* procedure.
sp_configure 'lock scheme', 0, datarows

h4. Number of locks
You may encounter the beast labeled
 Error 1204 under heavy job execution.
04:31:30,309 WARN  (main) [org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter] SQL Error: 
1204, SQLState: ZZZZZ
04:31:30,309 ERROR (main) [org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter] ASE has 
run out of LOCKS. Re-run
your command when there are fewer active users, or contact a user with System 
Administrator (SA) role
to reconfigure ASE with more LOCKS.

The number of locks available is controlled by the configuration parameter 
*number of locks*. To chech the current value, call the  *sp_configure* 
[sybase]$ isql -Usa
Password: <sa-password>
1> sp_configure 'number of locks'
2> go
Parameter Name        Default     Memory Used Config Value Run Value
--------------------- ----------- ----------- ------------ -----------
number of locks            10000        1630        10000       10000
To fix the problem, try doubling the number of locks.
1> sp_configure 'number of locks', 20000
2> go
h4. Distributed transactions
Sybase 15.0.2. Developer Edition supports Distributed Transaction Management 
(DTM) and other features described in the
 Quick Installation Guide. The developer edition is available as a free 
download on Linux and does not require installing a license file.

Use the *sp_lmconfig* procedure to determine which edition of Adaptive Server 
your are running. Sybase returns EE, SE, DE or XE based on the edition.
sp_lmconfig 'edition'
DTM features are +not+ enabled by default. The instructions for enabling DTM 
are provided in the jConnect
 Programmer's Reference and the ASE
 Using DTM Features guide, and summarized here.

Enable basic DTM Features and transaction coordination with the *sp_configure* 
procedure. Restart Adaptive Server for the changes to take effect.
sp_configure 'enable DTM', 1
sp_configure 'enable xact coordination', 1

Grant the *dtm_tm_role* to any user who will participate in distributed 
transactions with the *sp_role* procedure.
sp_role 'grant', 'dtm_tm_role', 'jbpmtest'
h3. Known anomalies
h4. Page size
Sybase 15 installations have a default page size of 4KB. The page size impacts 
applications because it imposes a limit on the length of a record. The row size 
for a few jBPM tables could exceed the 4KB page size if every column was 
occupied in full. The DBMS warns about this potential issue after running the 
SQL data definition script supplied with the jBPM distribution.
Warning: Row size (14372 bytes) could exceed row size limit, which is 4012 

It is worth emphasizing that Sybase will only fail to write a record that 
+actually+ exceeds the size limit. In the jBPM case, the limit is unlikely to 
be crossed because tables with large row sizes map complete class hierarchies. 
Each concrete subclass occupies only a subset of the table columns.

While switching to a larger page size is unnecessary for general use, you might 
want to change the type of VARCHAR(4000) columns to TEXT if your application 
manipulates data that in fact exceeds the row size limits. According to the 
documentation, Sybase stores text data in a list of pages that are separate 
from the rest of the table. For guidance on the type change procedure, refer to jBPM3 Text Columns.
h4. Gaps in the auto-generated IDs
Some users in the forum reported 
seeing a sudden jump in the generated IDs, such as

This is a known issue with ASE, known as the 'identity gap'. As described in an article by Rob Verschoor on the subject:
> An 'identity gap' is a large, sudden, and unexpected jump of values in an 
> identity column, usually as a result of a shutdown with nowait, although it 
> can also occur as a result of certain dump/load scenarios.
Refer to the;pt=17866/*
 Sybase Manuals for more information and for configuration options.
h3. Past pests (which may bite again)
h4. JDBC drivers
At least two viable driver options exist for Sybase.
 jConnect, the driver delivered with Sybase ASE
* jTDS, an open souce driver for Sybase and MS SQL

The jBPM team made extensive testing with jConnect 6.05 and jTDS 1.2.2. Both 
were found to be useable with jBPM 3.2.4 and up. However, jTDS failed inside 
the application server, due to incomplete XA support in the data source. The 
failure manifests itself as follows.
org.jboss.resource.JBossResourceException: Could not create connection; - 
nested throwable: (java.sql.SQLException: I/O Error: Unknown packet type 0x0)
Caused by: Unknown packet type 0x0
  at net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.SharedSocket.readPacket(

h4. Wide table support
Since version 12.5, Sybase ASE provides
 wide table support, which means larger limits than in previous versions.
* Tables can contain 1,024 columns.
* varchar and varbinary columns can contain more than 255 bytes of data.
* Column names more than 30 character long.

The larger limits are relevant to jBPM in the following ways.
* Several columns have long names.
* Binary data associated to a process are stored in blocks whose size defaults 
to 1024 KB.

Wide table support is related to the underlying TDS protocol version. Both 
jConnect and jTDS support TDS 5.0 and wide limits starting from version 6 and 
0.3 respectively.

In order for wide limits to be enacted, both the server and the driver must 
support them. If you must use jConnect 5.5, you can still take advantage of 
wide table support by setting the
 jConnect version to VERSION_6. Failure to do so may result in data truncation, 
as reported in JBPM-703.
h4. Binary datatypes
The database schema generated by Hibernate includes a few varbinary columns. 
The manner Sybase handles varbinary data affects jBPM as it results in data 
truncation in valid data being lost. From the
 Transact-SQL user guide:
> Use the variable-length binary type, +varbinary(n)+, for data that is 
> expected to vary greatly in length. Storage size is the actual size of the 
> data values entered, not the column length. *Trailing zeros are truncated*.
The above +feature+ was brought to our attention in JBPM-702. The solution consisted in 
restoring the truncated zeros while retrieving the binary data from Java code. 
Nevertheless you must be aware that the stored data is not identical to the 
original data.

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