Chris Williams [] created the discussion

"Re: Give permission to write to a folder?"

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1) To be truthful, it's JBoss EWP 5.1 not the community edition (I didn't think 
that it might be a version specific issue, hence asking here. I do have a 
question out to our reseller as well). Win 7. Java 6 update 23.
2) I'm starting it on the command line.
3) JBoss is being run as myself (chris.williams). If I start it as an 
Administrator, then it's run as my Admin account.
4) There is no exception since just returns a boolean 
rather than throwing an exception.
5) ->

                    String resFolder = getInitParameter("resources.folder");

                    if (request.getParameter("page_action") != null) {
(request.getParameter("page_action").compareTo("delete") == 0) { 
                                        File f = new File(resFolder + 
                                        if (!f.delete()) {
                                                  ServletOutputStream out = 
                                                  out.print("Couldn't delete");


6) Yes, a standalone application is able to delete from the target folder, even 
while JBoss is still running. I also tried setting the scan folder for the 
servlet to C:\ and was able to delete a file there, just not a file from the 
target folder.

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