Igor JStarter [http://community.jboss.org/people/izgur] created the discussion
"Re: can't call a .NET web service ? Cannot stringify null Node" To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/583819#583819 -------------------------------------------------------------- *The problem is definitely, that jboss doesn't insert the SOAPAction althought it loades it as part of the external service's WSDL !!??* The SoapAction is not sending !!! In the HTTP post i see: Connection: keep-alive Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8 Host: psplatform.dyndns.org SOAPAction: "" Transfer-Encoding: chunked Any idea why it's not included? How cai i set the SOAPAction on JBoss / BPEL (JBossWS Native - 3.2.1 GA)? -------------------------------------------------------------- Reply to this message by going to Community [http://community.jboss.org/message/583819#583819] Start a new discussion in JBoss Web Services at Community [http://community.jboss.org/choose-container!input.jspa?contentType=1&containerType=14&container=2044]
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