davidyan [http://community.jboss.org/people/davidyan] created the discussion

"Simple Portal: which portlets get rendered when processAction returns?"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/583985#583985

Hi. I've been doing some experiments using the Portlet Container, controlling 
what portals get displayed for a given user with a custom taglib that checks 
the user's entitlements.

That worked out pretty well, so I also developed a simple impersonation portlet 
(that authorizes the user to assume someone else's identity). I then noticed a 
very odd behavior when the  processAction method returns and the page is 
refreshed: the portlets that are rendered are those of the previous user / 
page, not the new ones, and their contents are apparently delivered in sequence 
to the portletmarkup tags of the page (for the new user). As a result, the 
contents on page are offset in the most bizarre fashion! Say user 1 can see 
portlets A and C, user 2 can see A, B and C; when switching from user 1 to user 
2, the (new) output of C is used in lieu of B's, and nothing is displayed for 
C! When I manually refresh the page one more time, the problem disappears.

What's happening? Does that behavior find its origin in the Portlet Container 
per se or Simple Portal (its taglib)? Is there any simple fix? (I'm obviously a 
newcomer to portals and portlets...)

In passing, I have started those experiment because I was under the impression 
that, in GateIn, one can customize authentication (e.g., using SSO) but not 
authorization (users / groups / permissions management). Am I wrong and are 
there clean ways to "inject" a custom permission management system in GateIn?

Thanks in advance,



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