Max Rydahl Andersen 
[] modified the 

"JBoss Developer Studio 4 CR1 available on Early Access!"

To view the document, visit:

The Early Access site for JBoss 
Developer Studio now contains CR1 free for download and if you want the JBoss 
Enterprise Application platform bundled you just need to and sign up for the 
early access program  here.
h3. Improvements
This release contains a few improvements over the last couple of betas that are 
worth mentioning.

Most of these stems from the change we made from using the horrible dropin 
feature of Eclipse to have a proper
P2 enabled Eclipse product build. This should make things like installation, 
startup and updates much smoother, simpler and in some cases faster.
h3. New Directory Layout
There is no longer a seperate "eclipse" directory; everything related to JBoss 
Developer Studio is now in the "studio" folder and
instead of using raw eclipse to start you now uses the jbdevstudio, 
jbdevstudio.exe or the JBoss Developer dependent on your
platform to launch.

If you have installed the EAP bundle jboss-eap still lives in 
h3. Runtime Detection/Setup
You can still use the "Server" page in the installer to setup JBoss server 
runtimes, but all this that was previously isolated in the installer is now 
also available from inside JBoss Tools under the Preferences for "JBoss Tools 
Runtime Detection". Here you can configure directories to scan for runtimes and 
it supports not only Server runtimes, but also standalone framework runtimes 
like Seam and Drools.
h3. Welcome Screen
You will also now be greeted with a new shiny Welcome Screen:

...and of course the latest stable fixes and features from JBoss Tools 3.2.

Have fun!

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