Mauricio Salatino [] created the discussion
"Re: How to fire action events in jBPM5 ? (BPMN2.0)" To view the discussion, visit: -------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, now I understand your problem. So there are basically two options: 1) Expose the jBPM-Console created sessions, so you can interact with them using a remote APIs 2) Let the jBPM-Console use sessions that were created from outside applications, or add the posibility to register custom work item handlers to the sessions created by the jbpm-console. About 1, there is a way to do that already using Drools Server. But we need to integrate it with the jBPM-console About 2, I'm 90% sure that you can do it right now.. I've already seen some questions about that, but I don't remember the solution right now.. I probably will take a look on that.. Hope it helps, if you don't find the solution, please report a jira issue with your requirement as a feature request, we will evaluate it and work on it. Greetings! -------------------------------------------------------------- Reply to this message by going to Community [] Start a new discussion in jBPM at Community [!input.jspa?contentType=1&containerType=14&container=2034]
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