Andrea Cacciatori [] created the 

"Try to expose Web Service on JBoss AS 5.1"

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Hi to all guys  :) 

I had some problems with web services in JBoss.

I use a backend framework that permits me to expose a business service (like 
java class) as webservice.

I create a dynamic web project that is deploy on my JBoss AS.

I use eclipse helios 3.2, 32 bit.
>From the endpoint of the service i started the specific wizard to create web 
>service throught axis (soap 1.1) runtime, but during the wizard i encoutered 
>an application error.
I choosed correctly the instance of my JBoss AS 5.1 e axis 1.1 runtime.

Is an ecplise specific release problem?

The various artifact (classes, stub, wsdl) produced from the wizard, seems to 
be correct.

Infact if i try to use the wsdl service location adress, to reach the service 
on server, and i found it correctly.

Then i create an axis web service client from wsdl descriptor of the webservice.

But when i try to call webservice, i encountered a generic axisfault exception. 
I think that the client isn't able to call the service maybe because is not 
correctly deployed on JBoss (caused by any on eclipse wizard? sincerely i don't 
know i have just supposed it)

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance,

Andrea Cacciatori

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