Rod Biresch [] created the discussion

"WebSphere MQ issue"

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I'm running a web app in JBoss AS 5.1.0 with WebSphere MQ 7 configured as a JCA 
resource.  The application works well pushing/popping messages on and off the 
queues.  Recently during some load testing we've noticed two things that has us 
concerned.  The first is that the "open input count" on the MQ queues continues 
to grow and so do the number of TCP connections to WSMQ.

I did some research and found that the MQ Queue Open Input Count "shows the 
number of open input handles, that is the total handles open for input on this 
queue. This gives you an idea on the number of applications that are currently 
connected to the queue to put messages on the queue".  In our test, the count 
rose to 125 in 20 hours of load testing.  The number of connections to WSMQ 
rose to 27 (according to netstat).

There is concern that over time these counts and connections will continue to 
grow.  Should there be a concern here?  Is there some configuration that can 
control this behavior?

BTW...the production system is running on a different application server and 
queue open input count remains low 1 or 2.

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