Anita Albert [] created the 

"Re: Bind external ejbs to jndi"

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I think my original post has quite a few mistakes. - I need clients on server B 
to call interfaces on server A without doing a remote lookup. And the two 
options I was looking at were - 

1. On server A - to configure ejbs to also bind to the naming service on B 
while getting deployed. 
2. On server B - to configure jndi so that the jndi name indirectly points to 
jnp://serverA:1099/jndi name

 Well, the reason we need this approach is that server B is going to be within 
a firewall and server A is going to be outside of it. The main application will 
be deployed on server B and only certain specific interfaces that cannot 
function within the firewall will be deployed on server A. So when the server 
processing happens on server B and it tries to invoke those specific 
interfaces, I need it to get processed by A instead of B. But since the 
application has been originally designed for a single server - all look ups are 
local and I would like to leave it that way.  I don't think clustering would be 
an option because we do not want server A to do any of the processing like DB 
access - the only processing it should do would be those specific functions 
which cannot happen behind a firewall.

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