Franklin Antony [] created the 

"Re: Using JBPM 5 in Spring Web application"

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I too am looking at a means to integrate jBPM5 with a webapplication. Earlier 
in jBPM4 there was bean called 
org.jbpm.spring.cfg.SpringConfigurationFactoryBean.  However am not able to 
find anything like that in jBPM5. Am also worried about the transaction 
management on the process server. When a START/COMPLETE etc command is sent to 
the process server using client.start(...) or client.claim(...), this one call 
is transactional. However my application runs in another transactional context. 
This seems to be very dangerous because, if the client.start(...) or 
client.claim(...) succeeds and my service fails then I wont be able to rollback 
the whole trascation. Is there a means to bring both jBPM transactional context 
and Spring service's transactional context together?

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