Check out the contactlist example, which uses the framework. It's also in the documentation. From what I can see, It's basically Generic DAO components, though I'm also curious what else might come under the umbrella of the framework.
I've been using it to build an internal app for my workplace, In the current state of the framework, I end up subclassing EntityHome to support first-edit-wins concurrency control, and additionally I need to sprinkle a lot of conversation propogation parameters around, since I make the edit screen start a conversation. Still hardly any code at all to write (I only needed one method to catch OptimisticLockException in edits), so while calling it an "Application Framework" is a little bit ambitious this early on (all it does is CRUD), it's got quite a nice start. View the original post : Reply to the post : _______________________________________________ jboss-user mailing list