Daniele Ulrich [http://community.jboss.org/people/daniele.ulrich] created the 

"Re: In memory TaskClient without Mina or JMS"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/616670#616670

Hi Franklin

To my mind is not possible to have the Tasks in a transactional scope. Neither 
if you are using the Mina Server nor if your using the TaskSession directly. 
The libraries are written for J2SE with local (manual) transactions, we could 
integrate it successfully in an app server by the use of <no-tx-datasources>. 
And: they are not transactional... please refer to the  
http://community.jboss.org/thread/168837?tstart=30 findings of a collegue of 
mine. If you are using the Mina Server you will be responsible to do a rollback 
manually  :| 

If you find a solution to that problem, I would be grateful if you could post 
it here...



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