david malechek [http://community.jboss.org/people/dmalechek] created the 

"Re: Remote Client.addCallbackListener hang"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/622264#622264

No change in status on this.  The patch I made to apply a 15 second socket 
timeout on the secondaryServerSocket appears to keep us afloat by releasing the 
blockage before things get out of control.
If there is ever a Remoting 2.2.3 patch for this, we'd love to have it, but 
we've actually start planning our next steps assuming there won't be one.  In 
the short term we will look towards trying to maintain longer term connections 
to stay away from the contention on the callback collection.  In the long term 
we are looking into going to RMI delivery.  We need to get to load balanced 
clustering at some point and your documentation says that excludes the JMS 
Any ideas you have are appreciated.

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