Mauricio Salatino [] created the 

"Re: Drools-jBPM connection"

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Hi renzo,
There is a whole new world behind running the processes and rules together in 
the same runtime (and don't forget events). Running rules and processes you can 
model and implement very complex scenarios that requires the execution of 
ordered activities as proposed by business processes and more unstructured 
activities and business logic using business rules. Combining them both you can 
drive business processes using business rules or orchestrate your business 
logic using as you mention business rule tasks and conditions. But you can also 
trigger new business processes, sub processes, dynamic branches, deal with 
expcetional situations, etc with business rules more easily, without 
complicating the process graph.
If you include events to the mix you can also model more dynamic aspects of 
your applications, like live streams of information that is coming from 
different sources and you need to evaluate, aggregate and correlate that 
information with your process status and your facts information in order to 
react in near real time. 

I strongly suggest you to take a look at the emergency services application 
that we are developing to show how to architect and model complex scenarios 
using these technologies:

source code:

Best Regards 

PS: we are currently working on the version 3 of the application, so I think 
its a very good opportunity to help us an learn in the process.

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