Charlie B [] created the 

"User Task Assignment and Assignment Restrictions"

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I have just started using JBPM5, and have a few questions concerning user task 
assignments and restrictions.

I have built my process using various User Tasks. Each time I complete a Task, 
I pass in specific parameters which a gateway uses to determine the next 
possible course of action (which task to execute next) and who to assign the 
next task to. For instance, when completing the 'Develop' task, I pass in 
'assignTo=johnsmith' and 'result=SubmitForReview'. 
This is working quite fine, but if there is a better way to do this, please do 
tell. I am open to suggestions.
What I am trying to figure out, if there is someway (progromatically through 
the API) to determine:

1. What are the next possible courses of action? (From Development it can be 
'Review' or 'Approve')
2. Who can perform each one of these tasks?

The only way I can figure to achieve somethiing like this, is provide the 
information in each tasks 'Content' property. If this is the way to do it, how 
do I access the 'Content' of each task through the API?

While I can determine all these things quite easily in my application logic, it 
would be a great benefit if I can keep all this logic in JBPM and seperate my 
business rules from the workflow logic. 

I know from my knowledge of JBPM*3*, that you can achieve somethinig like this 
quite simply. Is it possible in JBPM5?


Charlie B

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