jemmerling [] created the 

"Latest Eclipse BPMN2 Plug-In does not seem to fully support jBPM5?"

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So far as I know, the Eclipse BPMN2 Plug-In discussed in Chapter 9 of the 
jBPM5.2 User's Guide does not fully support jBPM5 has been retired and replaced 
with a Plug-In that can be installed from the Eclipse site at

I tried using this, and concluded that it does not fully support jBPM5. I can't 
go back and compare to the previous version (which was installable from the URL 
in Chapter 9 of the User's Guide) however this version does not seem fully 

Not being a jBPM5 guru or a BPMN2 guru, I will explain why I believe this.

a.) Some diagrams created with the Drools plug-in (that is automatically 
installed when installing the jBPM5 demo) cannot be opened with this editor.
b.) I a diagram can be opened, then it looks good in the editor, but if you try 
to look at what are called "variables" in the Drools editor, you see that they 
do not seem to be displayed properly. To give an example, if I want a process 
variable named "userId" and I define it using the Drools editor, then these two 
lines will be added to my *.bpmn file:

  <itemDefinition id="_userIdItem" structureRef="Object" /> *<!-- first line 
item definition -->*
+  <process processType="Private" isExecutable="true" id="com.sample.bpmn" 
name="Sample Process" tns:packageName="defaultPackage" >+
    <!-- process variables -->
    <property id="userId" itemSubjectRef="_userIdItem"/> *<!-- second line 
property definition -->*

     So try view these definition with the "new" plug-in (assuming you can open 
your diagram to start with) and if you have the same experience as me, what you 
see will not make sense to you.

c.) Use the new plug-in to create a diagram. Then try to create item 
definitions and properties. There seems to be a way to create one or more item 
definitions, if you do, they will be created with some default id e.g. 
ItemDefinition_1, ItemDefinition_2, etc. and then it would be possible to 
rename these. Trying to define a process property, it lets you do that but 
doesn't seem to allow you to specify the "structureRef" attribute.

So I guess my question(s) would be:

Is this plug-in supposed to support jBPM5 at this time?
If not, is there a plan for full jBPM5 support in future?
Or is there a different approach to specifying a process that one should use 
(in light of the issues I have raised above) when using this plug-in with jBPM5?

Thanks, I hope nobody has taken offense at this posting!


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