Again, I must be overlooking something simple.

So I have a page that has a header/footer. menu on the left and content in the 
center right.

So the menu on the left is working with a stateless session bean, They click a 
link on the left and a form appears in the center, with two buttons a Begin and 
a Cancel button. The actions of these buttoms should call my statefull session 
bean, but it isn't.

Here is the start of my statefull session bean

  | @Stateful
  | @Local
  | @Name("tripmanager")
  | public class TripManagerImpl implements TripManager {

Here is the jsf tags in my xhtml page

  |                 <tr>
  |                     <td>
  |                         <h:commandButton 
  |                                                  value="Begin"  />
  |                     </td>
  |                     <td>
  |                         <h:commandButton action="#{tripmanager.cancel}"
  |                                                  value="Cancel"  />
  |                     </td>
  |                 </tr>

Here is the method that is linked to the Begin button

  | @In (value="start", required=true, scope=ScopeType.SESSION)
  |     @Out (value="roadTrip", scope=ScopeType.SESSION)
  |     public String startRoadTrip(Location start) {
  |         System.out.println("Starting the startRoadTrip Method");
  |         TripLookup lookup = new TripLookup(start, null);
  |         try {
  |             RoadTrip roadTrip = lookup.getTripInformation();
  |             RoadTripDAO dao = new RoadTripDAO();
  |             dao.saveRoadTrip(roadTrip);
  |         } catch (RoadTripException e) {
  |             e.printStackTrace();
  |             return "failed";
  |         }
  |         System.out.println("***********************");
  |         System.out.println("Returning Entry from startRoadTrip");
  |         return "entry";
  |     }

And here is my navigation rule defined in the faces-config.xml

  | <navigation-rule>
  |       <from-view-id>/*</from-view-id>
  |         <navigation-case>
  |           <from-outcome>entry</from-outcome>
  |           <to-view-id>/fullentry.xhtml</to-view-id>
  |         </navigation-case>
  |         <navigation-case>
  |           <from-outcome>cancel</from-outcome>
  |           <to-view-id>/index.xhtml</to-view-id>
  |         </navigation-case>
  |         <navigation-case>
  |           <from-outcome>start</from-outcome>
  |           <to-view-id>/roadtripentry.xhtml</to-view-id>
  |         </navigation-case>
  |         <navigation-case>
  |           <from-outcome>list</from-outcome>
  |           <to-view-id>/roadtripentry.xhtml</to-view-id>
  |         </navigation-case>
  |         <navigation-case>
  |           <from-outcome>cancel</from-outcome>
  |           <to-view-id>/index.xhtml</to-view-id>
  |         </navigation-case>
  |         <navigation-case>
  |             <from-outcome>failed</from-outcome>
  |             <to-view-id>/failed.xhtml</to-view-id>
  |         </navigation-case>
  |     </navigation-rule>

Any ideas where I might try to look. I have tried a lot of different things but 
have not had success.


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