Maïté Braud [] created the discussion

"Re: How to fire action events in jBPM5 ? (BPMN2.0)"

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Hi Mauricio,

I have some questions regarding option 1) Expose the jBPM-Console created 
sessions, so you can interact with them using a remote APIs
How do you do that?

Here is my problem: We are using the jBPM-console to start processes. Our 
processes are using asynchronous behaviour on the service tasks (aka 
WorkItemHandler). The workItemHandler is simply sending a web service request 
to an external system. Later on, we receive a callback from the external system 
and we need to call kSession.signalEvent() in order to kick off the next step 
in the process.
We are controlling the web service interface so that the external system 
returns in the callback the workitemID that we sent as part of the original 
request, thus we know which processInstance to continue but the problem is that 
we also need the KnowledgeSession!
We could modify the web service interface and pass (and thus get returned) both 
the workitemID and the sessionID but I don't even know how to get hold of the 
jBPM-console internal sessionID from within a WorkItemHandler.
I can see that the Session started by the jBPM-console is persisted in the 
database (SESSIONINFO table in the H2 database) but I don't know how to get 
hold of it from within the WorkItemHandler.

We also start some of our processes using java code and they run within a 
separate session so we have more than one session running at the same time, so 
how to know which one a process started from the jBPM console is actually using?

Thanks in advance for the help!

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